Source: - Stories
Educate yourself and stop being a Useful Idiot. I am skeptical of all information and people until I research it myself.
December 31, 2015
Dean Minow: How's That Investigation Going?
Source: Power Line
From The Front Lines, The 9 Most Interesting Union Fights Of 2015
Via: The Daily Caller
Listen to the Very Strange Question Kathy Griffin Asked Anderson Cooper to Begin CNN's NYE Coverage
"OK, I have one question."
Source: - Stories
Hillary Clinton advised to consider resigning as secretary of state after Obama's Russia comments
A key Hillary Clinton adviser told her that she may have to consider resigning as secretary of state after President Obama was caught telling Russia's president off-mic early in 2012 that he could make more concessions on missile defense after November's U.S. elections.
In addition, Mark Penn told Mrs. Clinton ...
The Daily Caller Presents: The Biggest, Dumbest Race Hoaxes And Fake Hate Crimes On Campus In 2015
Via: The Daily Caller
The Federal Vision For Healthcare IT: A Dystopian Paradise

Source: TechCrunch
Is Your State Busted Or Busting Loose?
Via: The Daily Caller
Following Backlash, U.S. Air Force Academy Allows Football Players to Pray on the Field
The players may confidently practice their own beliefs without pressure to participate in the practices of others.
Source: - Stories
Carson Advisor Takes Jab at Cruz on Faith, Insists Carson 'Only True Authentic Evangelical' in Race
"There are a lot of people who talk a good game about their faith"
Source: - Stories
The Year in Pictures: Chilled Champagne Edition
Source: Power Line
Obama to reverse Bill Clinton gun control strategy, increase number of licensed dealers
Twenty years after President Clinton tackled gun control by drastically reducing the number of licensed firearms dealers in the U.S., President Obama is preparing to tackle gun control by increasing the number of licensed gun dealers.
The different approaches of the two Democratic presidents is just one sign of how ...
How One Woman Allegedly Defrauded $550K From Unemployment
Via: The Daily Caller
Best of 2015: Conversations With the Candidates
Source: news
New York Man Arrested for Attempted New Year's Eve Terror Plot
Police arrested a would-be ISIS attacker in New York Wednesday for allegedly planning an armed terror operation at a bar in Rochester on New Year's Eve, officials said Thursday.
Source: - Stories
Where Are All The Women In White Hats?

Source: TechCrunch
Crystal Ball: Halperin and Heilemann's 2016 Predictions
Source: news
Influx of teen migrants leads US to open 3 more shelters
DENVER (AP) - The U.S. government plans to open three new shelters in three states to house unaccompanied migrant children as officials brace for another influx of young Central American immigrants crossing the border.
The temporary shelters in Colorado, Florida and New Mexico, all located on federal property, are in ...
Armstrong Williams: Ben Carson Is The Only 'Authentic Evangelical Christian In The Race' [VIDEO]
Via: The Daily Caller
The Big Snort
Source: Power Line
The Most Talked-About Tech Stories Of 2015

Source: TechCrunch
Chinese Defense Ministry Confirms Rail-Mobile ICBM Test
China's Defense Ministry confirmed on Thursday that its military recently conducted a test of a new rail-mobile ICBM capable of hitting any part of the United States with nuclear warheads.
Defense Ministry spokesman Col. Yang Yujun also did not dispute U.S. reports that its nuclear missile submarines began conducting sea patrols for the first time, giving China a potent new submarine-based strategic nuclear strike capability.
The post Chinese Defense Ministry Confirms Rail-Mobile ICBM Test appeared first on Washington Free Beacon.
Source: Washington Free Beacon
Obama gun control push undercut by fall in prosecutions
The administration has overseen a striking drop in prosecutions of gun crimes, winning only about 6,000 convictions in 2015 — down more than 15 percent from five years ago, and giving added weight to claims by gun rights groups that President Obama has failed to enforce the laws already on ...
Inspector General Positions Stay Vacant Going Into 2016
Via: The Daily Caller
Medal of Honor Recipient Kyle Carpenter Arrested for Hit-and-Run Accident
To date, police say both Carpenter and Haddad have fully cooperated with the investigation.
Source: - Stories
Pro-Bush Group Targeting Iowa Fans at Rose Bowl: Wash. Post
Source: news
FBI Thwarts New Year's Eve Terrorist Attack In New York City
Via: The Daily Caller
Hillary Clinton Sent a New Year's Eve Message to Supporters That Focuses on Losing
"We're going to be in a weaker position when it comes time to keep a Republican out of the White House."
Source: - Stories
In The New Year, Conservatives Should Modernize (Not Moderate)
Via: The Daily Caller
Bismarck man signs plea agreement in illegal weapons case
BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) - A western North Dakota man says he will plead guilty to an illegal weapons charge.
Ronnie Nikodym, of Bismarck, is charged in federal court with possession and manufacture of illegal firearms. Authorities say he was in possession of six machine guns, including two he sold in ...
Four Easy Money Moves to Make Before You Celebrate Tonight
Via: The Daily Caller
Republicans Scramble to Pick Up Lindsey Graham's Supporters in South Carolina
Source: news
China Confirms Recent Anti-Satellite Test
A Chinese military official recently confirmed Beijing's latest test of a satellite-killing missile that threatens U.S. space assets.
Zhou Derong, a professor at the People's Liberation Army Logistics Academy, described the development of anti-satellite weapons as being part of China's national defense.
The post China Confirms Recent Anti-Satellite Test appeared first on Washington Free Beacon.
Source: Washington Free Beacon
Mom of 'affluenza' teen back in US after Mexico deportation
LOS ANGELES (AP) - The mother of fugitive Texas teen Ethan Couch, known for using an "affluenza" defense in a fatal drunken-driving accident, has been returned to the U.S. from Mexico minus her son, whose own deportation was delayed by a Mexican judge.
Tonya Couch arrived at Los Angeles International ...
Facebook's Controversial Free Basics Program Shuts Down In Egypt

Source: TechCrunch
Microsoft Will Warn Users About Suspected Attacks By Government Hackers

Source: TechCrunch
Jittery world bids adieu to a year marred by terror
In Bangkok, police-flanked partygoers will ring in the new year at the site of a deadly bombing that took place just months ago. In Paris, residents recovering from their city's own deadly attacks will enjoy scaled-back celebrations. And in Belgium's capital, authorities anxious after thwarting what they say was a ...
CORRECT: Jim Webb Hasn't Announced New Bid for U.S. Presidency
Source: news
Top North Korean Official Mysteriously Dies In 'Car Crash'
Via: The Daily Caller
'I Can't Help But Wonder': MSNBC Guest Raises Question After Bill Cosby Sexual Assault Charge
"Say that he was a supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement…"
Source: - Stories
Disney Research Creates A Robot That Can Fly Up Walls

Source: TechCrunch