Source: Bloomberg Politics
Educate yourself and stop being a Useful Idiot. I am skeptical of all information and people until I research it myself.
August 31, 2016
Centerpiece of Trump Immigration Plan Remains Border Wall Paid for by Mexico
Smaller protests greet Trump as Ducey takes stage
PHOENIX (AP) - Donald Trump's much-anticipated immigration speech Wednesday drew calmer protests than his previous visits to Phoenix. But it brought out new politicians to his stage, namely Gov. Doug Ducey.
A large police presence surrounded the 300 protesters outside the downtown Phoenix rally as they waved signs, smashed a ...
TEXT: Donald Trump's Speech In Phoenix On Illegal Immigration
Via: The Daily Caller
Kim Dotcom's extradition appeal has started and is being live-streamed

Source: TechCrunch
Republicans unnerved by failure of Trump's ground operation
UPPER CHICHESTER, Pa. — Spearheading the ground operation for Donald Trump's presidential campaign, a state GOP field director Wednesday led a half-dozen volunteers knocking on doors in this blue-collar suburb of Philadelphia to drum up support and build a voter database for a get-out-the-vote push in November.
The reception at ...
The 'War On Coal' Unexpectedly Hits A Washington Town Struggling To Get By
Via: The Daily Caller
Applying analytics to clinical data

Source: TechCrunch
VA Employee With Illegal Pistol Killed In Shootout
Via: The Daily Caller
Secret 'bursts into flames' feature may be behind Samsung's Note 7 delays

Source: TechCrunch
Trump Visit to Mexico Backfires on President With Battered Image
Source: Bloomberg Politics
Are Polls Missing Covert Support for Trump?
Source: Power LinePower Line
New Poll: Donald Trump Closing in on Hillary Clinton
A new poll from Fox News shows that Donald Trump is closing in on Hillary Clinton's lead.
The post New Poll: Donald Trump Closing in on Hillary Clinton appeared first on Washington Free Beacon.
Source: Washington Free Beacon
Donald Trump's successful Mexico meeting
Give that man a Nobel Peace Prize!
Donald Trump — the modern day Paul Revere — rocked the political world when he jumped into the race last year warning about the invasion across America's southern border that politicians in both parties had been desperately trying to cover up for ...
This Holocaust Survivor Turned Nazi Hunter Says He 'Pissed' On The Face Of A Captured Nazi
Via: The Daily Caller
Instacart's app has changed grocery stores for good
Source: TechCrunch
Mother of Benghazi Victim: I'm Not Surprised 'Lying' Clinton Has Missing Emails
Patricia Smith, mother of Benghazi terrorist attack victim Sean Smith, said Wednesday that she would not be surprised that Hillary Clinton has missing emails.
The post Mother of Benghazi Victim: I'm Not Surprised 'Lying' Clinton Has Missing Emails appeared first on Washington Free Beacon.
Source: Washington Free Beacon
Inside the Beltway: Election: 'Battle between good and evil'
As a cultural indicator, the 2016 presidential election appears to have gone far beyond partisan politics and political theater. It is now perceived by many American voters as "a battle between good and evil," this according to William Jordan, elections analyst for YouGov polls. The pollster recently asked a large ...
Montana Editorial Roundup
Bozeman Daily Chronicle, Aug. 26, on a flier released by a gubernatorial candidate's campaign:
Gubernatorial candidate Greg Gianforte has taken Montana politics in an ugly direction.
His campaign recently released a flier that depicts his opponent, incumbent Gov. Steve Bullock, with a menacing caricature of an Arab terrorist, including masked ...
Poll Shows Hillary Catching Up To Trump In Key Area — UNFAVORABLES
Via: The Daily Caller
HTC makes $5 million investment in VR gaming startup Steel Wool Studios

Source: TechCrunch
SHOCK! Black Panther Leader Quanell X Considers Voting for Trump
Quanell X leaves the Democrat Plantation
The post SHOCK! Black Panther Leader Quanell X Considers Voting for Trump appeared first on DailySurge.
Source: DailySurge
Former Mexican President Fox: I Invited Trump For Apology
Source: Bloomberg Politics
Vicente Fox, former Mexican president: Mexico rejects 'false prophet' Donald Trump
Former Mexican President Vicente Fox said Wednesday that Mexico rejects Donald Trump, calling Mr. Trump's trip to meet President Enrique Peña Nieto a "political stunt."
"He is not welcome to Mexico. By 130 million people, we don't like him. We don't want him. We reject his visit," Mr. Fox said ...
Safe Space? North Korea Executes Education Minister For 'Bad Attitude'
Via: The Daily Caller
How the startup economy is replacing the traditional resume

Source: TechCrunch
Donald Trump to Meet With President Nieto in Mexico
Source: Bloomberg Politics
Mike Pence: Donald Trump visit with the Mexican president is 'the beginning of a conversation'
Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence on Wednesday described Donald Trump's trip to Mexico later in the day as "the beginning of a conversation" and that it says a lot that Mr. Trump is willing to drop what he's doing to take the meeting.
"I think it's important to note ...
Pelosi Docs Show Dems Trying Hard To Cast Benghazi As A 'Conspiracy Theory'
Via: The Daily Caller
ASUS shows off a portable 15-inch display for laptop owners

Source: TechCrunch