December 29, 2012

The left has set up thousands of fake twitter accounts to attack conservatives and conservative causes. One guy alone had 500 twitter accounts that was exposed. They do this to overwhelm the opposition and get the conservative twitter account shut-down by reporting them for spam.

I lost 12 twitter accounts because of this very tactic  Remember Twitter was founded and is controlled by people in San Francisco. One of the most liberal whacked out cities in the world.



To Silence Opposition-

To Silence Opposition
The liberal’s assault on free speech continues. Attacks on conservatives– ordinary citizens who are only using Twitter as a platform to share their opinion. The cruel reality is that the liberals are determined to silence us and they obviously do not have plans to stop. They want us off of Twitter. They won’t stop at minimizing our voices, they want total domination of the social network.
They not only bully, but they feel they may suspend as well. Well over one hundred accounts have been sent to #TwitterGulag in the past couple months. The process they use is relatively simple. Nearly everyone on Twitter has used the ‘block’ button. These leftists discovered that it’s easy to suspend conservatives by getting a group together and mass spam-blocking and reporting those they hate to Twitter. Often a liberal will drag the prospective victim into a conversation. Then another leftist joins. The conservative replies, is retweeted and the rest of the gang pounces, report-spam/blocks and the account is sent to #TwitterGulag. A reply trap is also used on some. The liberal will ‘randomly’ pick a conservative to tweet to, then when the conservative replies the leftist will turn it in to Twitter for excessive mentions and the user will be suspended.
This began quite some time ago. Remember the days when #tcot took over hashtags like #IlikeObamaCare and #Gen44? This made the leftists furious. And in April they struck back by mass suspending conservatives. I didn’t really notice it until the Chris Loesch issue. These liberals wouldn’t even let a husband defend his wife when she was attacked and threatening comments were made! After this the suspension issue was publicized and #TwitterGulag became a common term for free speech suppression against conservatives on Twitter. At least one account suspended at that time for fighting alongside Chris Loesch in defense of his wife was not reinstated until this month.
During interviews for this article I learned much more about how these suspensions occur and how conservatives are silenced. Most reasons for suspensions have something to do with one of the following:
  • Tweeting about Obama using the #Obama hashtag or @BarackObama and attacking his liberal policies that are destroying our country.
  • Pushing for the reinstatement of another account (Chris Loesch’s in particular).
  • Defending Rush Limbaugh on the hashtag #StopRush and encouraging his sponsors to stay loyal.
  • Defending a fellow conservative blogger.
  • Confronting the Socialistic, Communist leaning Occupy movement.
  • Sharing one’s conservative stance on the leftist attack on women, #UAWOW, #WLF, etc.
  • Criticizing the union’s failed policies and tweeting to the #wiunion hashtag.
  • Taking a stand against Islam.
  • Any trending or popular hashtag is dangerous when the liberals think they’re beginning to look bad; nothing like losing a battle to cultivate the desire for revenge in a leftist.
  • Getting into conversations with any of the following leftists, @Lizardoid (or #LGF), @BlazePhoenix_, @Shoq, @GottaLaff, @KeithOlbermann to name a few.
These people with suspended accounts were not threatening people or other accounts. They were just voicing their opinion and the leftists hate them for that.
There are a couple ways that accounts can be suspended.
  1. The report-spam/block button. Instead of using the standard block that most of us would use on a disagreeable liberal these suspension teams orchestrate mass report-spam/block on an account to have it suspended.
  2.  Reply trap. The leftist will tweet an account in hopes that the admin will reply. If there is a reply they can file a report with Twitter and/or spam-report/block you.
  3.  Physically report the account to Twitter. Contacting @Spam and/or filing a ticket against an account.
The liberals love to target particular conservatives and have them suspended repeatedly. The same patterns are reoccurring. Reinstated then suspended; again and again. I have seen some accounts suspended four, five times. Sometimes after reinstatement the admin doesn’t even have time to tweet before the account is suspended. Reinstated by Twitter and suspended again in ten minutes with no new tweets and no changes made to the account in any way has occurred.
At other times the ‘spam reporting team’ follows the administrator to the next account (often the victim’s backup). They don’t seem to mind that the administrator hasn’t been spamming anyone or violating any Twitter rule. They don’t care that the person has been simply voicing his/her opinion. Liberals only want to silence another conservative voice, another patriot who wants to share an opinion is to be taken out of public view.  For tips on how to avoid #TwitterGulag please see my list here.
Suspension Cases
One of the most startling things is the discovery that it’s possible to be suspended with no tweets, no excessive following (accounts that followed ten or less conservative and Republican celebrities). The accounts did not break any rules. No reason given for the suspensions below, which must have been victims of spam-report/block:
@EggPatrol1 (now reinstated):
This clearly shows that there is more to this suspension than one of the theories the liberals are circulating saying conservatives are suspended because we attack the liberals and annoy or spam them. The accounts shown above did nothing.
For the most part leftists disregard these suspensions and brush them aside as irrelevant. It’s easy to understand. They are not victims and if it means opposition is silenced they naturally would not find a problem with it.
One conservative account @inGodwetrust76 replied to @utaustinliberal and was spam-blocked. The conservative hadn’t been spamming. One tweet to the liberal, then the angry leftists admits to spam blocking the account:
Though now reinstated @PinkySinclair did suspend @mrgeology.  Thankfully @mrgeology was reinstated quickly.

@PinkySinclair attacks
A discussion with a lib then the B & R is used and somebody is sent to #TwitterGulag (I worked to get him reinstated).
My Suspension
On June 13th I was pulled into a discussion with a liberal after tweeting numerous tweets to the hashtags #LiberalismIn4Words and #ConservatismIn4Words when I was suspended.  To my knowledge @PolitixFireball is the largest account ever suspended for political opinion, free speech and disagreement with a liberal.
Below is the bulk and main line of our discussion:
During the process of posting another tweet I received a message that I was suspended. Pink ribbon appeared, disappeared and didn’t appear again for over an hour:
@StumblingBlock blocked @PolitixFireball:

An hour and a half after my suspension I was able to get reinstated. Twitter forced me to admit that I was at fault if I was to have @PolitixFireball reinstated:

I did not make unsolicited replies. The leftist @StumblingBlock, started the entire episode when he angrily replied to my tweets. He also mentioned me a total of 27 times while I replied to him only 19 times. Who should have reported who?
@utaustingliberal had contact with @StumblingBlock about the time @inGodwetrust76 was spam-blocked and before @PolitixFireball was suspended. They both had contact with conservatives, each other, and blocked conservatives at approximately the same time:
@utaustinliberal connection with @StumblingBlock.
How They Work
From those with guilty consciences these tweets were posted:
@BlazePhoenix_ congratulates @Lizardoid.

Spam-block/report for reasons other than spam:
Racial issues reported for spam, instructions on how to report someone and anti-Obama reported for spam.  These aren’t ‘spamming’ issues.  This is disagreement in beliefs.
GottaLaff Condones B & R
@GottaLaff instructions on how to report for spam.
Moron Watch supports B & R.

The three screen shots above came from Twitter Gulag Spam Blockers.
@Lizardoid condones block and report in this April screen shot taken from Diary of Daedalus.
Although it has not happened to a great degree some account have been completely banned from Twitter because they were suspended so many times.  Not an account disobeying Twitter rules, but an account attacked and ruined because automated leftist run accounts suspended it time after time.
As mentioned earlier there are a variety of people responsible for these suspensions. They come from different liberal groups who support leftist ideals. Most are loosely (a few closely) united with the goal to silence opposition. Some conservatives on Twitter would suggest that there is a deeper reason for these suspensions. The leftists certainly do not hurt Obama and his administration with their actions– quite the opposite and it is likely that this is at the heart of this.
But it goes beyond the suspension of relatively obscure conservatives on Twitter sharing their personal views. There is an agenda. The entire purpose is to silence anyone who does not laud what is deemed ‘politically correct’ and is not supportive of the current Obama administration. Recently we have learned of other ways liberals are seeking to silence alternative new media. Red State’s Erick Erickson and other bloggers received surprise visits from law enforcement after being falsely reported for committing violent crimes.  Someone (believed to be the same person in each case and likely to be instigated by Brett Kimberlin Bomber turned left-wing activist) called 911 impersonating the particular blogger claiming he had killed his wife.  The SWAT team then shows up at the family’s home.  Of course this was illegal and could easily have led to the death of a family member in one of those households. Quite a dirty trick which shows how the leftists are playing this year: win at all odds, forget the means and casualties.
To many it may seem these events are widely dispersed, but these attacks are increasing.  Suspensions on Twitter are little more than another front for the left to terrorize.  We are supposed to praise Obama and the socialistic policies of this administration or we risk the attack of liberals on us; offending leftists has already lead to life threatening situations for the bloggers mentioned above.  Similar tactics and not only unethical, but cutthroat, activities have been taking place on our favorite social network– Twitter.  Many of those who have been targeted are on the grassroots level, but it is clear that others who are better-known are experiencing attacks not dissimilar.  There is even a possibility of a direct tie between the suspensions and Kimberlin.  Are any of us safe?
The patterns are interestingly similar.  By now it has become well-known that these liberals don’t appreciate being criticized.  If you haven’t noticed this read their statements below.
From @Lizardoid:
Lizard recommends B & R for those he deems ‘Phsyco Stalkers’ aka conservatives, libertarians and patriots who don’t agree with him.
From @Shoq:
These people want free speech on their side, but when we speak out because we don’t agree with their political views they call it ‘stalking’ and ‘trolling.’  I have had my own share of ‘fans’ since getting on the internet.  In April a liberal  asked me to name the four accounts I had interacted with that were his in the last month and warned me that if I blocked he would be back with another of his fifty or so accounts.  Ohh…and he loves Google.  Okay, I haven’t done anything (except post political tweets).  The above liberals are obsessed with those that allegedly ‘stalk’ them (doubtless we all have these issues), but those doing the spam-report block appear to be doing exactly what they cry against and blame conservatives such as you and I for doing!!
I would recommend that you read this article by Patterico.   Interestingly enough his detailed experiences with SWATting shows that those who are attacking us ruthlessly on Twitter are using the similar tactics and even have interaction with those responsible for these swattings.  To justify their attacks on us they use the ‘stalking’ accusation.  They, in truth are the stalkers and cyber bullies trying to push around and shut us up.  Both the people behind the swatting and those who are part of these suspension teams.
But it goes beyond tactics.  Neal Rauhauser is a good friend of Brett Kimberlin.  Earlier this spring there was close Twitter correspondence between Rauhauser and Charles Johnson, the latter is well-known for his denial of #TwitterGulag despite strong evidence showing he’s a part of it.  So right here we see a loose connection through tactics and friends.  Those that were targeted also give a connection.  The best known suspended account was Chris Loesch, who has connections with,  a primary group that the SWATters and stalkers have gone after.
An LGF contributor did brush away the SWATting issue as a conspiracy trumped by right-wing bloggers themselves.  Really?  Why would anyone pull a prank like that?  We are not insane and I would not even wish that on my enemies. Others claim it hasn’t occurred at all. They forget that there would be police records I suppose.
Now it seems the liberals are even spying and attacking each other.  One blogger released an interesting group of sound bites.  According to this, @Shoq admits he has 500 accounts used in the #StopRush effort.  It would be easy to also use these accounts to suspend conservatives as well as bully Rush supporters.
Where will these liberals stop? It has yet to be seen. These activities appear to be increasing and the heat of a summer election presidential election year has not yet arrived.
Cases of conservatives being suspended from Twitter have not been going away.  We need to prepare for this summer.  Much of what I have seen points to the idea that there will be an even greater onslaught of suspension activity happening in the future.  Probably even endeavoring to reach higher profile accounts and conservative celebrities.  They won’t stop suspending and intimidating us because they seek to silence us.
But we will not be stopped. We will persist in our cause.
Cross-posted on my blog and Tun Tavern Patriots